Thursday, 24 January 2013

Live Jam at Tapas Tamambo


1Music presents Live Jam this Saturday at Tamambo Village Market from 7pm till 11pm. This is a platform that gives established and upcoming musicians a podium to showcase not only their music, but get the chance to jam live with established ones.

The Tamambo edition will feature vocalists Victor Muli, Claus Seest, as well as two bands Wakake & the Outlaws and Nairobi Rhythm Section. Wakake will be on percussion, Amani on drums, Mike Manda on keys, Munene on bass. Nairobi Rhythm section consists of Dannz from Madagascar, Dugald from Australia and Wakake. 

Entrance is only 300kshs, to be paid at the door. The event is by 1 MUSiC. 



1 MUSIC is a platform where artists interact with their fans regularly without the need to incur costs attached to holding live performances. The platform was created for musicians to share, perform, interact with each other and build a fan base.

We offer media coverage, publicity, and create the necessary buzz. Our desire is to create a genuine, healthy and fair field for competition among artists and up their game.

We know that it takes constant engagement to create a following. We know that it takes constant engagement to create a fan base; we appreciate that it takes constant communication to get information out. That is what 1 Music is about; we do the ground work and provide the artiste with a platform for constant engagement with their fans.

 We want to look at it as creating possibilities and going the extra mile for artists. When we do provide all the basic needs including logistics for artists, we expect the artist will take up the platform and use it for what it is meant for.

For concert information please contact:

Twitter:      @1musiclub
Wakake: 0722 644 118

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