Thursday, 24 May 2012


Been up since 2 am pondering, reminiscing but thats not why I decided to write this. Naturally when my 'insomnia' kicks in, I log in to facebook and twitter. For the people who are twitter diehards, y'all know that trending topics or TT's are twitter's way of social clicktivism (a portmanteau~ click +activism) 

Today enpassant, I came across an article Aljazeera English posted, about Amina, a 16 year old Moroccan girl brutally raped, then forced to marry her attacker. 
Article 475 of Morocco's law basically states that if you defile a female under the age of 18, you are exempted from serving a jail term if you consequently marry your victim! Hows twisted is that? Repulsive, repugnant are adjectives that dont do that law just description! 

Thus Amina, forced by a cruel archaic and patriachal system that seeks to protect the family honour and male sacrilege, was through her father's consent pawned away. She ingested poison and her 'husband's' way of reviving her was raining kicks and blows on her frail, lifeless body as she was 'ferried' back from whence she came. Why people dont demand a legislative overhaul of such archaic laws confounds me. 
16. At 16 I was barely ready to be a teen, constantly battling acne that peer pressure paled in comparison! At 16, she was no longer her father's daughter, but an object of shame, to be discarded at whatever cost. Im so sad. Why must this be condoned? 
Rest in peace Amina.

PS: Wrote this on March 14th 2012.

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